Our Academics

St. Peter’s offers our students a comprehensive college preparatory curriculum, which is in full compliance with the latest standards from the New York State Education Department.

Many of the subjects are offered on different levels (Scholars, Honors, Regents). A difference within a subject may reflect a difference in the level of difficulty, or a variation in the amount of work expected or both.

Honors & Scholars Diploma Requirements

St. Peter’s offers our students a comprehensive college preparatory curriculum, which is in full compliance with the latest standards from the New York State Education Department. In addition, St. Peter’s has Honors and Scholars programs designed to challenge the most capable students. Grades given in these courses are weighted proportionately higher to compensate for the extra work required on the part of the student.

The weighting factor for each program is:

• Scholars – 1.05
• Honors – 1.03
• Regents – 1.00

Requirements for High School Diploma
  1. Required Courses: The satisfactory completion of each of the following
    (1 unit = full year credit course)
  2. Electives: Enough additionally approved courses to make a total of 27 Units
  3. Standardized Exams: Successful completion of Regents Exams in English, US History & Government, Global Studies, Math, and Science 
  4. Senior Graduation Requirement: All seniors must pass Religion, English, History, and Physical Education in order to graduate. In addition, a failure in an elective course will prevent graduation, even though sufficient credits have been accumulated.
  5. Regents Endorsement:
    • First Honors: 92 Average with no failures for the semester and/or Regents
    • Second Honors: 85 Average with no failures for the semester and/or Regents
Academic Graduation Awards

Academic Graduation Awards

During Graduation Exercises, academic awards are given to students who hold the highest averages in the following subjects:

  • Spanish Studies
  • General Excellence
  • Christian Doctrine
  • English Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Mathematics Studies
  • Spanish Studies
  • Italian Studies
Signum Fidei Scholars Academy

The Signum Fidei Scholars Academy offers a program where students of exceptional promise nurture aptitudes, develop skills and grow in faith. The curriculum is designed to challenge the most capable student, providing him the opportunities to develop the abilities necessary to excel in higher education and become leaders in society.

Scholars study Latin in conjunction with a modern world language and acquire college credit through Advanced Placement coursework. These students engage in independent research projects and co-curricula academic and cultural activities that enrich classroom instruction.

All scholars participate in our Lasallian Youth Group, engage yearly in Service Learning Projects as lived expression of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, and work toward induction in the National Honor Society. Students complete their academic work with a Senior Capstone Project.

The Scholars Academy curriculum and enrichment program endeavor to form critical thinkers and life-long learners who will eventually take leadership roles in the Church, in the arts, business and government. Students enter to learn and leave to serve!

Academic Resources

Parent & Student Portal

PlusPortals provides an interface for teachers, parents and students to communicate and access grade and attendance information.

St. Peter’s Portal Login

Required Courses
  • Religion4 unitsComputer Literacy0.5 unit
  • English4 unitsHealth0.5 unit
  • History4 unitsLanguage3 units
  • Math3 unitsPhysical Ed2 units (4 years)
  • Science3 unitsArt/Music1 unit
  • Total25 units
Report Cards

Report cards are distributed 4 times per year, usually in November, February, April and June. The passing mark at St. Peter’s is 65%.


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