28 Aug Frank Cafaro to receive highest honor from Christian Brothers
The following announcement was shared by Brother Dominic Gisondo earlier this year at St. Peter’s on behalf of the Brothers Community.
From time to time, the Brothers of the Christian Schools recognize an exemplary individual whose life and work manifests the ideals, charism, and spirit of St. John Baptist de LaSalle. This recognition by the Brothers is called Affiliation and is the highest honor the Institute can bestow. Affiliation comes from the Latin word, filius, which means son. The person affiliated becomes an honorary Christian Brother, a son of St. LaSalle, and may use the initials AFSC after their name. These initials stand for Afiliatus Frater Scholarum Christianarum, Latin for Affiliated Brother of the Christian Schools. An Affiliate shares in the prayers and the good works of the Brothers.
A faculty member at St. Peter’s has been unanimously approved for Affiliation by the Provincial Council of DENA, the District of Eastern North America, and the Christian Brothers General Council in Rome. This teacher:
- Participated in the first classes of the Lasallian Leadership and Buttimer Institutes for Lasallian formation
- Served on the District Ministry Team helping to formulate assessment criteria and procedures for district schools and served on visiting assessment teams
- Was a founding moderator of the Lasallian Youth Groups and Lasallian Youth Summer Assembly to which he has brought St. Peter’s students for 26 summers
- Serves as the Lasallian Animator for St. Peter’s
- Has taught Religion, History, Driver Education, and is Chair of the Guidance Department
- Has worked evenings and weekends yearlong to ready college applications for Seniors and continues to assist and guide our alumni long after graduation
- Has traveled with students to Finland, France, Germany, Hawaii, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland
- Has demonstrated great love for the students of St. Peter’s for the past 45 years, forming lifelong relationships
- Has been, a support, a brother, and a friend to the Brothers’ Community at St. Peter’s and worldwide
And so I am pleased to announce that Mr. Frank Cafaro will be formally affiliated to the Brothers of the Christian Schools at a 10:30 a.m. celebration of the Eucharist on November 3, 2018, at St. Peter’s Church.