02 Apr COVID-19 Updates
January 14, 2021
COVID-19 Updates from Archdiocese of NY
September 25, 2020
All students and families participating in our school’s athletic program must read and adhere to our Return to Play Guidelines.
August 30, 2020
As our school prepares to reopen for the 2020-2021 school year we have established our COVID-19 School Reopening Plan. We will also require that all students, faculty and essential visitors complete a health screening prior to entering the building.
May 21, 2020
Plans for graduating seniors:
- May 27 – Senior Book Return & Graduation Gown Distribution – All tuition must be cleared and all books must be returned in order to receive your graduation gown. Social-distancing protocol will be in effect.
- June – Graduation – We are planning two separate events, a virtual graduation that will either be recorded or live-streamed, and a senior parade where students will be driving through the parking lot in their gowns in order to receive their diploma. More details to follow as we finalize dates and procedures. Senior grades and transcripts should be finalized by the first week of June. Remember all tuition and fees must be cleared in order to process transcripts and provide credits with the New York State Department of Education. Any issues with grades and transcripts please contact Mr. Walsh.
May 1, 2020
Update from Office of the Superintendent of Schools
Archdiocese of New York
See below for online resources and prior updates from our administration.
- Online live stream from St. Patrick’s Cathedral
- Give Us This Day
- US Conference of Catholic Bishops Resources
- Pope Francis’s Prayer to Mary during Coronavirus Pandemic
- Updates from Archdiocese of New York
- New York State Education Department COVID-19 Resource Page
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- World Health Organization
Update from Principal Cosentino on April 11, 2020, at 10 a.m.
Dear St. Peter’s Faculty, Parents, and Students,
Good Morning! I hope everyone is having a safe, healthy, and happy Easter. I encourage you to read this Easter prayer put together by Mr. Castellano which gives us hope and keeps us together during these trying times.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the photos from the #EaglesEndure challenge. It is inspiring to see so many of you staying faithful, working hard, and being active. Keep those photos coming!
Here is a tentative school schedule to answer some questions and concerns as we look ahead in anticipation of a return to our normal routine.
Once again, thank you to all of the members of our community that are on the front lines each day and our prayers go out to all suffering at this time.
God Bless and Happy Easter to all!
Principal Cosentino
Original campus closure announcement from Principal Cosentino on March 13, 2020:
Dear St. Peter’s Families,
With the health of our students as our top priority and per the directive from the Archdiocese of New York and the NYC Board of Education, St. Peter’s Boys High School will be closed until April 20 out of precaution to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In addition, all athletics, extracurricular activities and school functions will be postponed until further notice. We will continue to closely monitor this unprecedented situation and will update our families as soon as possible of any further changes or closures. Our faculty will continue to provide our students with online education through Plus Portals. It is the students’ responsibility to keep up with all classwork during this trying time. I have faith they will be able to do so. As always, we appreciate your support of St. Peter’s Boys High School and pray for good health for you and yours. We encourage our students and families to remain strong in our Catholic faith and are reminded to live our lives in faith and not fear.
God Bless
Mr. Michael Cosentino